Delays in estate planning can be costly and risky

Unexpected changes in the past year have left many in Louisiana coming to terms with the uncertainty of life. There is no way to accurately predict what will happen long term or even in the months and weeks ahead. While the future is uncontrollable, there are specific financial and legal steps that can provide one with a peace of mind regarding certain matters. Delays in estate planning can be costly and risky.

The right steps

Each estate plan is different, and it is important for an adult to consider individual goals and objectives when planning for the future. One of the most prudent steps for many adults of all income levels and ages includes establishing a trust, a step that allows one to accomplish specific goals for assets, such as charitable giving. Some considerations for a trust include:

  • The specific objective for establishing the trust
  • Who should serve as trustee
  • Who will benefit from the trust

A trust is a practical way to accomplish something specific with assets while also protecting them from probate. There are various different types of trusts with different benefits to each, and a Louisiana adult may find it helpful to consider all options before making important estate planning decisions.

The future starts now

Estate planning is planning for the future. It is never too early to begin this process, even for adults who are young and in good health. Taking the time to create and update estate plans can provide peace of mind for every member of the family.