Monthly Archives: November 2019

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It will now cost more to become citizens as application fees rise

When it comes to immigration, there are many legal hoops that often need addressing. Even if individuals want to become citizens, they will need to file the proper paperwork, provide…

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Increase in processing time, increase in fees for immigration

The cost of immigrating to the United States is prohibitive to some individuals, and it seems as though this is a trend that will continue. Recently, the United States Citizenship…

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Immigration detention centers face claim of unsanitary conditions

Being detained in any capacity can be nerve-wracking. When individuals from other countries come to the United States in hopes of finding help, they may end up in more difficult…

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Obtaining a U visa may not be as easy as hoped

Many immigrants have a fear of working with the police. They may worry that their immigration status will come into question and that they will end up facing detention, deportation…

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Family immigration form can now be filed online

Most people enjoy having relatives nearby. They can keep up with family news, have gatherings and generally spend time together and have the comfort that comes from family. Of course,…

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