Monthly Archives: September 2017

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Family immigration situation compounded by health issues

Many Louisiana immigrants still have relatives living in their countries of origin. For some, the time is near when their family members will be able to join them in the…

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Woman’s lawyer claims U.S. immigration law officials abuse power

Louisiana is home to many immigrants. Some may currently be facing problems regarding U.S. immigration law similar to a woman in another state. The process to remove her from the…

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Immigration detention issue brings West Coast sheriff under fire

Many immigrants in Louisiana are concerned about deportation. It’s apparently no different on the West Coast, where word has it that a current immigration detention problem has many people on…

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Immigration strengthens the American economy

America would simply not be the same without the generations of individuals who come here from other countries. Immigrants, both legal and undocumented, help keep the American economy afloat. Many…

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When immigration detention prompts the need for legal help

Many undocumented immigrants in Louisiana (and elsewhere) try to keep very low profiles as they go about their daily lives. The circumstances under which each arrived in this state greatly…

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