Planning for end-of-life-care important for many individuals

Certain types of medical conditions will progress over time, and those who suffer from these conditions may eventually be unable to speak for themselves. This means it’s important for these individuals to make certain types of decisions while they are still cognizant and able to consider serious medical issues. For adults in Louisiana with dementia and Alzheimer’s, planning for end-of-life care is extremely important.

Considering what types of medical care and interventions someone may want at the end of life is not easy. It’s emotionally complex to plan for a deterioration of physical and mental capacities, but doing this allows someone to have the final say in important decisions. It can also protect loved ones from having to make complicated and difficult decisions on behalf of a loved one without knowing his or her wishes.

With end-of-life-care planning, loved ones can know what their family members want before they are no longer able to have those conversations due to an illness or other incapacity. Preferences regarding hospitalizations, nursing care, medical interventions and even hospice can be included. It can keep kids from having to guess what their parents would want, and it can reduce the stress and confusion that someone with a degenerative illness may feel.

End-of-life care is a sensitive and emotionally complex issue. Louisiana adults who have dementia or Alzheimer’s may want to discuss their estate planning concerns with an experienced attorney, as well a medical professional. With the right plans in place, an individual can feel confident about controlling the decisions that loved ones may have to make in the future.