Most adults have estate planning work to do

Even the most successful of Louisiana financial investors do not always consider what legal and financial preparations are necessary for the future. Over the last year, however, many have considered what financial protections they may need long-term. Many find that they have considerable estate planning work to do in order to have stability and security in the future. In a survey of investors, almost half have admitted they do not have a will or an estate plan.

Of the investors surveyed, one-third said they had a written will, but a large number don’t have additional documents that may need in order to have an estate plan. For many, this past year has made it clear how planning for the future is necessary regardless of age and income. Life is unpredictable, and health isn’t guaranteed, but an estate plan can give one a measure of control over what may happen down the road.

Those who do have estate plans may want to take the time to discuss their plans with family and loved ones. Discussing wishes can make sure family and loved ones can ensure they are carried out according to plans. Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said they have not discussed their estate plans with their loved ones.

It can be difficult to make plans for the future or even discuss plans with family. However, these efforts are worthwhile and can provide security and peace of mind. When considering what plans may be necessary, it is helpful to talk about needs and objectives with a Louisiana estate planning attorney.