Estate planning is trending, especially among young people

While predicting the future is impossible, there are ways to make plans that allow one to look to the future with confidence. Estate planning is a way to consider future interests in the event of one’s sudden passing or incapacitation due to illness or injury. Many in Louisiana are taking this step, with more young people than ever thinking about long-term planning steps they should take.

Over the last few months, more adults are putting estate plans in place. The threat of sickness or a significant change in financial circumstances has left many wondering how they can protect their assets and shield the interests of loved ones. Despite the trend in long-term planning, most Americans still do not have estate plans. Statistics indicate as many as 62% of adults do not have any estate plans, and of those who do, around 12% only drafted them within the last 12 months.

One reason many do not have estate plans is they mistakenly believe they do not need them. This is a common misconception, as is assuming that age determines the need to have a plan. In reality, planning long-term has benefits for adults of all ages, even if they are young, unmarried and childless.

Estate planning is important, which is why it is crucial to have experienced guidance at every step. A knowledgeable Louisiana attorney can provide insight into how to craft a plan that will make sense for years to come. Planning for the future is crucial regardless of age, health status or income level.