Certain health concerns can make estate planning needs clear

Louisiana adults often delay the process of making plans and drafting certain documents that could be important in the future. However, certain health concerns, such as Alzheimer’s disease, can help a family see how estate planning is not something to push off to a later date. This planning can allow an adult to have a say over what happens to property and health care, even after losing the ability to express wishes independently.

Brain diseases of all kinds progress at unpredictable rates, even with treatment. This is why it is important for someone diagnosed with this type of illness to make plans before it’s too late. It is possible to craft a plan and update existing plansto account for the possibility of disability, long-term care and neurological degeneration at some point in the future.

Every estate plan is different, and a Louisiana adult with a brain disease can custom- tailor a plan to suit his or her individual needs and objectives. An important factor to consider is the type of disease, the estimate rate of progression, potential future financial needs and long-term health concerns. With the right type of estate planning tools in place, a person with a brain disease can maintain his or her right to choose what happens to personal property and with health care.

Estate planning can be a difficult process. A Louisiana adult facing a serious disease may benefit from working with an experienced attorney who can help craft a meaningful estate plan. This can allow an adult facing grave medical concerns to face the future with confidence.