Obtaining asylum is not an easy goal to reach

Many people from other countries who are now living in Louisiana and other parts of the United States are proud of their cultural heritage. Unfortunately, some of them may not be so proud of the reasons that led to them coming to the country. Numerous people come to the United States seeking asylum in hopes of escaping dangers in their native countries.

One woman came to the country after facing abuse from her children’s father. She knew that if she remained in her native country that he would continue looking for her. She came to the United States in 2013 and started her asylum journey in 2014. In 2018, her application for asylum was finally accepted. Her case is not unique in the amount of time it can take for such a case to come to an end, but it may be more unique in that her application was approved.

Unfortunately, many states see tens of thousands of asylum applications, and the majority of those cases are not approved. Often, many applications are denied because the applicants do not fully understand the requirements for pursuing asylum. For example, an important requirement that many people miss is that the application must be filed within one year of the applicant coming to the United States.

If individuals come to the United States hoping to obtain asylum, it is important that they do not delay in getting their cases started. It can certainly be difficult to understand everything involved in this type of immigration case, but fortunately, applicants do not have to try to work through the process alone. Interested parties can seek the help of Louisiana immigration law attorneys throughout their cases.