It takes hard work to become a citizen of the United States

It is a major life change to leave one’s home country to live in another country. After a time, however, many immigrants come to see the United States as their home and want to become citizens. Of course, numerous people in Louisiana and across the country who have this goal understand how difficult it can be to achieve.

A lot of work goes into just applying to become a U.S. citizen. First, it is necessary to have all the proper paperwork in order. To begin, applicants will need to file the application for naturalization, which is Form N-400. In order to file, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and have been lawfully admitted into the country.

When it comes to residency requirements, the applicant must have been a permanent resident for at least five years and can show continuous permanent residency in the United States. There are also requirements relating to moral character, the ability to utilize the English language and knowledge of U.S. civics, history and government. After meeting all of the necessary requirements, the applicant will take the oath of allegiance to the United States.

Becoming citizens can be an exciting time in immigrants’ lives. Of course, the process can take a long time, and any mistakes with paperwork or the information provided could cause substantial setbacks. In an effort to avoid unnecessary delays, Louisiana residents hoping to reach their citizenship goals may want to work with immigration law attorneys who can provide valuable assistance.