US immigration law now requires social media info for visas

Applying for visas in order to come to Louisiana or other parts of the United States is already a complicated endeavor. It seems that recently more and more stipulations are being enacted under U.S. immigration law that are making the application process even more in-depth. In fact, more changes have just come to light regarding applicants’ social media presence.

Recent reports indicate that a requirement for social media information, which was initially proposed in 2018, has now become a part of visa applications. Apparently, the current presidential administration believes that obtaining this information, which could include email addresses, social media usernames and other information, would allow for more in-depth scrutiny of visa applicants. In the past, the requirement to provide social media information was limited to individuals who garnered extra investigation, such as those who had visited terrorist-controlled areas.

The information will also reportedly help ensure that the identities applicants provide are their true identities. The application will now have a section that names various social media platforms, and applicants must provide their usernames for any platforms on which they had accounts in the last five years. Applicants are also now asked for any email addresses, telephone numbers and international travel in the last five years.

Many visa applicants may wonder if this information is necessary and may also have concerns about how it could affect their applications. Of course, applying for a visa under U.S. immigration law can have a number of difficult aspects, and it may be wise for interested parties to obtain help. Consulting with immigration attorneys in Louisiana may allow those individuals to better understand the information needed on visa applications.