US immigration law scam swindled over $300,000 from families

Trying to obtain citizenship or otherwise adjust one’s immigration status is difficult. As a result, many individuals in Louisiana and across the country who hope to reach this goal often look for help in completing the process. Though U.S. immigration law is certainly complicated, if individuals do not receive help from legitimate professionals, they could wind up worse off than before.

It was recently reported that at least 42 families were cheated out of more than $300,000 after a man in another state claimed to have connections with federal agencies that could help speed up immigration proceedings. The man claimed to be part of an official organization, and in order to receive assistance, individuals had to pay $5,000 to join the organization and another $3,000 to have their applications filed. Unfortunately, the man’s actions were deceitful, and rather than helping, he simply swindled vulnerable individuals out of money.

The man did carry out certain actions, such as filing applications, but the individuals could have easily taken that action themselves. Plus, the information the man put on the applications was commonly incomplete and falsified. Due to rising concerns, some of the victims informed a Hispanic advocacy group about the man’s actions, and a police investigation began. Now, the man is facing a charge for third-degree larceny in relation to one family’s case.

The individuals affected by this scam undoubtedly feel as if they have lost more than money. They had hope that they would receive beneficial help with their cases, but instead, their hopes were turned into despair. In efforts to avoid U.S. immigration law scams, individuals may want to turn to legal professionals in Louisiana for reliable assistance.