Several men in immigration detention being force-fed

Many people who come to the United States from other countries do so out of desperation. Unfortunately, while they come to Louisiana and other parts of the country in hopes of finding better lives, many individuals often end up in immigration detention. During their time in such facilities, they may continue to feel at risk rather than finding the safe relief they had initially hoped for.

It was recently reported that several men in a detention center in another state are being force-fed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers. The individuals have reportedly gone on a hunger strike, and one man stated that his protest was against the unfair treatment he and other detainees receive from the guards. During the force-feeding process, which currently involves nine men, the individuals are tied to a force-feeding bed and have tubes put into their noses and IVs put in their arms.

The man said that liquid is put through the nasal tubes and that the pressure of the insertion often causes the men to vomit. He also stated that the process makes it difficult for them to talk and to breathe. The force-feeding procedure was reportedly approved through a court order, and representatives for ICE stated that individuals on hunger strike are not retaliated against and that they closely monitor individuals who are on strike.

Immigration detention can be difficult because of any number of circumstances, and as this case shows, some individuals may be subjected to harsh actions. Detainees often need help for handling these predicaments, but they may not know where to get assistance. Fortunately, Louisiana immigration law attorneys can help parties who are detained find their best legal options.