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What do the terms usufruct and usufructuary mean?

There are many terms that you will hear when you work on your estate plan. Some are easy to understand. There are others you do not hear outside of the…

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Avoid These 6 Estate Planning Mistakes

Estate planning, for many, is an essential part of protecting your family and personal assets. While each estate plan is custom, there are six common mistakes people should avoid, which…

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Power of attorney is an essential component of any estate plan

When people think of estate planning, the first thing that comes to mind is a will. However, there are other documents to consider as part of a comprehensive estate plan,…

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Wills vs. trusts: knowing the differences

Estate planning is an essential undertaking. While it might be daunting to begin determining how your assets will be allocated after your death, doing it early can save you a…

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Should you have a Power of Attorney?

You may be prepared for what will happen if you pass away unexpectedly, but have you planned for what would happen if illness or an accident prevented you from making…

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Debunking common myths about estate planning

If you currently view estate planning as a legal burden for the elderly, it’s time for a change of perspective. Think of it instead as a gift of love to…

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