Are you worried about an immigration detention situation?

Louisiana residents who follow immigration news have likely read recent stories about family members being separated when Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers show up unannounced at people’s homes, workplaces or other locations. Immigration detention is a serious concern for many immigrants in this state and others. Numerous issues can prompt an arrest, such as the expiration of a visa, employment without proper documentation or a failed marriage interview.

Spouses who are left at home, and children as well, are often completely distraught and quite fearful as they watch their loved ones get taken into custody. Some spouses have later reported that it took them days or weeks even to learn where their family members had been taken, then more time and stress before they were able to speak to their loved ones. There are also many reports of inhumane conditions and treatment in immigration detention centers throughout the nation.

There are often ways to halt the removal process. Sometimes, it is merely a matter of clarifying a situation and providing paperwork and proper identification to help rectify a problem situation. For instance, perhaps your visa expired and you have been trying to renew it, but something happened to cause a delay.

The Shelby Law Firm is fully committed to providing strong support to Louisiana residents facing immigration detention problems. Our experienced immigration law attorneys can determine a best course of action regarding your particular circumstances. When you have a personal advocate by your side who can aggressively protect your rights, you increase the chances of obtaining a positive outcome to your situation.