Parents of five now worried about immigration detention

A married couple who emigrated from Mexico to live in the United States some years ago are the parents of five children. Several of their children were born in the United States. In fact, the youngest child only recently made his entrance into the world in a situation that quickly became stressful when his father was led away by immigration detention officers. Anyone in Louisiana currently facing detention problems may want to follow this case.

The man was driving his wife to the hospital to give birth to their son. He stopped at a local gas station along the way. His wife said that some men knocked on the window of their car, and she assumed they were security officers. She noted that the men did not identify themselves.

It turned out that the men were from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They took her husband away and left her to get to the hospital to have her child on her own. ICE officials claim the man in question is wanted in Mexico for homicide. The man’s wife says there must be some mistake because her husband has never been in any kind of legal trouble.

Immigration detention officers reportedly assured the woman that everything would be okay and that her husband would rejoin her in a couple hours but that never happened. ICE now says the man remains in custody, pending removal proceedings. Other immigrants have faced similar situations in Louisiana and were able to obtain successful outcomes with the help of experienced immigration law attorneys.