Men say their immigration detention is unjust; they want U visas

Years ago, two men entered the United States from Mexico. Later, they were convicted of murder after confessing to the killings of two people. However, they adamantly claimed that their confessions were forced through physical abuse and torture from investigators. The situation took a drastic turn recently when, after spending years behind bars, the men were released from prison and hope to avoid deportation. Some Louisiana residents may currently be facing similar immigration detention issues.

A detective accused of physically abusing the two men testified under immunity that he has no recollection of the incidents they claim took place. The men have been in jail since the double murder occurred in 1998. They both said the detective physically beat them until they confessed to the crimes.

Noncitizens who are victims of violent crimes in the United States can apply for a U visa, which gives them the right to live and work in the United States under a protected legal status. To qualify for this nonimmigrant visa, a crime victim must be willing to aid law enforcement officers and prosecutors in their quest to obtain conviction against the person or people who committed the violence against them. The two men in this situation are among 12 others whose convictions have been overturned based on evidence that this particular detective abused them.

One of the men recently spoke to reporters, saying he believes it is only right that he should be granted a U visa in light of the suffering he endured at the hands of the detective. He said he wants to go back to Mexico, but would first like to settle matters in this country without having to worry about possible immigration detention. Anyone in Louisiana facing similar problems may request assistance from an experienced immigration law attorney.

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, “Freed from prison after claiming police abuse, pair want CPD help with visas”, Andy Grimm, March 19, 2018