Hundreds against plans for immigration detention facility

In Louisiana and across the country immigration continues to be a hot button issue. At recent town meeting in another state, approximately 300 people showed up to oppose a proposed construction project. Under the proposal, local farmland would be converted into an immigration detention facility.

An 83-year-old man recalled living on the farmland during his youth. The man said his parents would be quite upset were they alive today and aware of the proposed plans. He argued that the land should be designated as a historical landmark because Lou Criger, a famous professional baseball player who used to catch for Cy Young, also lived there once.

The proposed construction project is estimated at $100 million. Local residents will likely have to wait a while to get an answer as to whether the project is a go or no-go. That’s because a commission meeting that was scheduled to occur has been delayed. The delay means a final answer will likely not be issued until some time in March 2018.

Current data shows immigrant arrests have slowed at the border between Mexico and the United States. However, detentions have increased at interior locations throughout the nation. In fact, many people in Louisiana are currently being held in immigration detention facilities and face deportation proceedings. This type of situation can thrust undue stress upon entire families when a loved one is torn apart from the rest of the family and no one is sure whether a reunion will even be possible. An experienced attorney can advocate on behalf of any immigration trying to overcome such problems.

Source:, “Residents pack meeting to oppose immigration detention center in Elkhart County“, Caleb Bauer, Dec. 15, 2017