3 tips for choosing an imm. attorney you can trust

It’s hard to come to a new country and try to start over. You move your family, make new friends and potentially learn a second language. You do your best to fit in and make something of yourself.

Now, your life in America is threatened. You know you should work with an attorney, but you’re not sure how to choose someone to work with. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you find the attorney who is right for you.

1. Research local attorneys

Start by researching local attorneys. Once you have amassed a list of several attorneys, search for information on them online. Look at reviews, talk to people who have worked with them and research the attorney’s background and education. You want someone specialized in immigration.

2. Don’t base your choice on money

The last thing you should do is base your choice of an attorney on how much the attorney costs. An expensive attorney isn’t necessarily going to be as good as a cheaper attorney or vice versa. It’s better to look at the attorneys’ case loads and reputations. Choose someone who has the time to work with you on your case and who is reasonable when charging you.

3. Choose an attorney who speaks your language

The best attorney for you may not be the best attorney for someone else. There isn’t much value in working with an attorney you can’t understand. Choose an attorney who speaks your primary language, so you understand exactly what’s happening. Although a translator could help with an attorney who doesn’t speak your language, you don’t want to find out you misunderstood part of your case because of a translation error.

These are just a few tips you can use to find the right attorney for your case. Do your research, so you know you’re working with someone specialized in the field.