US Immigration Law sets stage for RAISE Act

One thing that is always certain in life is change; some changes are planned, others are quite unexpected and often significantly impact certain people’s lives. Louisiana immigrants may be among others in the nation who are currently worried about possible changes that may occur in US Immigration Law if the RAISE Act passes. Some say the RAISE Act would change the entire face of immigration in the United States.

Two senators introduced the bill and the current administration has reportedly supported it. The RAISE Act would cause a substantial reduction in the number of visas granted annually to those seeking permanent lawful residence in the United States. Approximately one million immigrants obtain visas every year and a significant portion of the visas issued are family-based.

Those opposing the RAISE Act say one of the major problems with the proposed law is that it would adversely affect families seeking relative-sponsored visas and cut back family category green cards from more than 200,000 to less than 90,000 per year. Families aren’t the only ones who may be negatively impacted by the RAISE Act, say those who oppose. The employment-based immigration system would change its focus from preference toward highly skilled workers to a points based system.

It remains to be seen whether the proposed US Immigration Law reform will be enacted as well as the types of legal permanent status complications it may pose for many Louisiana families. As with all immigration matters, anyone facing current status problems can reach out for support. An attorney who has successfully overcome immigration obstacles for others would be a great asset to have in a similar situation.

Source:, “Article: The RAISE Act Would Dramatically Change U.S. Immigration Law“, Kevin Johnson, Aug. 21, 2017