Long-term planning with future security in mind

The future may be uncertain, but there are things Louisiana adults can do to maintain a measure of control over certain aspects of their lives. One choice is to draft a strong and thoughtful estate plan. The foundation of good long-term planning is to draft certain documents that address financial, medical and personal concerns. The most basic and well-known of these is a will, which is a document that allows an individual to make decisions regarding money and personal assets.

Another important document in any estate plan is a durable power of attorney. This appoints a trusted individual to act on behalf of someone else and make financial decisions in case of incapacitation. The person with power of attorney can pay bills, pay for medical care and even make real estate decisions. This role comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility.

Other documents that could be useful are certain type of medical directives. These are documents that can appoint someone to make medical decisions, and others can outline preferences and wishes regarding certain types of medical care. An individual may consider drafting a living will, do-not-resuscitate order or a durable power of attorney for health care.

Each Louisiana adult will have different goals and preferences regarding his or her estate and personal care. These basic documents lay the foundation for long-term planning that will provide security and peace of mind for years to come. As each case is different, it will be beneficial to seek an individual evaluation with a legal professional to determine what steps are important for the unique situation.