Immigration detention centers found in deplorable conditions

Though many individuals come to Louisiana and other parts of the United States in hopes of finding better lives, that it not always their initial experience. Some people could find themselves in immigration detention for various reasons and wonder whether they made the right choice in coming to this country. Unfortunately, the state of many detention centers may only enforce this concern.

It was recently reported that an inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security found the conditions of four detention centers beyond lacking. The unannounced inspections apparently took place last year, and the inspector general found that the bathrooms in the facilities were unsanitary and rundown, including having mold on the walls and unusable toilets. The report also indicated that detainees were not given provisions that were required for them.

Additionally, the food services in the facilities were also found in deplorable conditions. At one facility, the conditions were so bad that the inspector general had the kitchen manager replaced during the inspection. Food in the kitchens was spoiled and moldy. Since the inspections, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has apparently worked to resolve the issues found by the inspector general, such as by providing training for proper food handling and repairing bathrooms.

The idea of immigration detention is certainly frightening enough, and when conditions in these facilities are far below standards, individuals may feel hopeless. Fortunately, immigrants who have been detained or are facing detention have the option of reaching out for help. Contacting Louisiana immigration law attorneys could help parties address the issues that they face.