US immigration law: Several international field offices may close

When individuals in many countries are looking for immigration assistance relating to the United States, they can sometimes utilize field offices set up in those countries. These offices act as an extension of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as part of their International Operations Division. Though these field offices can help with various aspects of U.S. immigration law, closures of several of these offices could soon take place.

Louisiana readers may be interested in a recent report regarding the possible closure of over 20 international field offices. Apparently, the current presidential administration hopes to make these closures as a cost-saving effort, but many have concerns that the closures would cause additional and unnecessary immigration-related delays. In particular, military citizenship applications, refugee processing and family reunification petitions could all face lengthened processing times.

The proposed closures would affect two offices in China, several in Mexico and one that was supposed to open in Ethiopia. Officials claim that phasing out these offices would allow for resources to be used on the backlog of immigration applications already filed in the United States. Still, many are concerned that the closures would instead create greater backlogs and further reduce quotas for those seeking asylum and refuge.

Many people needing help with U.S. immigration law may find it difficult to know where to turn for that assistance. Often, it is a reliable effort to contact immigration law attorneys who understand the difficulties of making any journey involving coming to or staying in the United States. Louisiana legal professionals are available to help parties concerned with changing policies and other related topics.