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Some in immigration detention face legal aid restrictions

Coming to the United States from another country is a major step. Unfortunately, the current political climate is making it difficult for individuals to feel welcome in Louisiana and other…

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Immigration detention is currently a hot topic in Louisiana

Louisiana Governor Jon Bel Edwards said he and others have worked hard to lower the state’s ranking as the nation’s highest incarceration state. About a year after making such comments,…

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Asylum seekers in immigration detention face blocks to bond

Individuals looking to better their lives often face numerous hurdles. These hardships are especially prevalent for individuals hoping to obtain asylum in the United States. Lately, many of these people…

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Release date given to flight attendant in immigration detention

Immigrants in Louisiana and across the country face many uncertainties. Even if they believe that they are safe and secure from immigration detention, deportation or other similar possibilities, they may…

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Several men in immigration detention being force-fed

Many people who come to the United States from other countries do so out of desperation. Unfortunately, while they come to Louisiana and other parts of the country in hopes…

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Even US citizens can end up in immigration detention

Being detained by authorities can be an anxiety-inducing situation for anyone. For individuals in immigration detention, the predicament may seem even more harrowing because they may face the possibility of…

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